+61 481 457 005
Help Before Foreclosure
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20+ Years of Experience
Home Loan Help
We can help you get some relief with your home loan through many different ways. If you have received a Repossession Summons/Writ you must act immediately to find a solution to rectify it. We have many ways that we can help you Stop or delay a repossession order.
As we all know the banks are all too eager to foreclose on your home when you fall behind on making your repayments on your mortgage.
If you are facing financial difficulties and find yourself in this predicament.
By using various proven methods, we are able to delay or even stop the repossession and give you the opportunity to keep your home.
Keeping in mind the sooner we get involved the more likely we can achieve a favourable outcome in your favour.
Unfortunately more and more Australians are facing difficulties with their Home Loan or Mortgage. There are many reasons people have problems with their Home Loan or Mortgage such as:
Most people do not know where to turn or what to do when they face these problems! At Help Before Foreclosure we specialise in Helping people find solutions to resolve their Home Loan or Mortgage problems. We assess your situation to find a specific solution that will help resolve the difficulties that you are facing with your Home Loan or Mortgage.
Whether you are facing financial difficulties due to loss of income, injury or personal reasons.
Unfortunately, most people do not have the necessary expertise nor the experience, especially with the added stress, to deal with such matter without substantial losses
At Help Before Foreclosure, we specialise in resolving debt issues such as mortgages and other loans
We assess you situation on individual basis find a solution to help you regain control of your finances while minimising your losses.
Facing financial difficulties and falling behind in your repayments is an all too familiar scenario that most people will experience at some point in their life.
Here are some examples of common mistakes people make when facing financial hardship
There is a misconception that declaring bankruptcy is the easy way out.
Sadly, it is not and it should be the last resort as it will make it virtually impossible to get any finance for the following 7 years among other things.
Most people do not have the necessary skill and financial knowledge to resolve such issues and many end up suffering more financial damage than necessary by trying to do it without help.
Once you allow the bank to repossess your property, you will have no control over the outcome. And since the bank only cares about recovering their money and not concerned if loose everything.
It is possible that you lose your equity and may even end up owing the bank an amount which they will want to recover from you.
It is essential to contact your creditor and discuss your options at the first sign of trouble.
Ignoring it is only going to make matters worse.
This is a common mistake people make.
Delaying the inevitable usually makes it more difficult to achieve a favourable result even if you end up getting the right help.
Allowing this to occur will only make matters worse as not only the bank will want to recover their money but they will also want to recover all their legal cost from you as you are the one in default.
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Is it important that I take action immediately to stop the repossession happening?
YES, you must act NOW because the faster you take action the more chance you have of a favourable outcome.
I am in arrears and the financial institution is demanding that I pay the whole of the arrears immediately but I do not have it all. Can you help?
This is a common tactic the financial institutions use to scare you. We may be able to help but we need to find out more about your situation.
If the financial institution repossesses my property, how much extra will they add on to the costs?
That is hard to say because different institutions have different charges & fees. You can be assured that you will have significant legal charges that in many cases will be 10’s of 1,000’s of dollars.
If the financial institution repossesses and sells my property for me, will I get some money back from them if there is more than enough equity to cover their costs?
Yes you will but unfortunately if the financial institution sells your property for you, they do not care if you have a fair amount of equity in your property. They only care to recover their costs. We have witnessed many properties being sold by financial institutions at up to 40% below the value.
Their priority is not you, their priority is them. As long as they get back all their costs, they do not care what your property sells for. If you are in this situation, we believe it is wise to try to sell the property yourself.
What happens if they sell my property and it does not cover all their costs?
If this situation arises, they will come after you for the remaining balance.
Why is the loan I have going up in costs and interest so much?
There can be many reasons. If you are in arrears financial institutions charge you a default rate. This rate can be up to 10% more than the standard rate you are on. They will keep you on this rate until the arrears is paid back in full.
They will also charge you for the solicitor’s fees and costs which as you would already be aware, are extremely expensive.
Also, they will continually charge you legal fees to have letters and correspondence sent to you. This can be more than $1,000 at a time, which is significant considering they may send you many letters and correspondence during this period.
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Nulla vitae elit libero pharetra augue. Vestibulum id ligula porta
felis euismod semper aenean.
Lectus vertis sagitt evenie laoret platea dolors venena minim intege tempor lacusa portti ipsume proina vulput semper.
Patricia Phillips
Proina semper sagitt dolors platea lectus vulput evenie vertis ipsume minim venena tempor lacusa intege portti laoret.
Sharon Smith
Laoret semper venena proina intege tempor lectus ipsume minim vertis evenie dolors portti vulput lacusa sagitt platea.
Edward Lewis
Vulput evenie semper proina ipsume venena sagitt dolors minim laoret intege tempor platea lectus vertis portti lacusa.
Donald Moore
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